How to keep your skin glowing and sleek!

Here is a gentle reminder; beauty is eternity gazing at itself in the mirror. But you’re eternity and you’re also the mirror! While a number of things can enhance our appearances including our outfit and choice of accessories but let’s not forget that a radiant and clear skin happens to be the magic wand! Often times people mistake a glowing and healthy skin for a fair skin, we would like to lay emphasis on that mindset just because all skin tones should be considered healthy and radiant.

Here are some known steps to getting a beautiful and even tone skin!

1. Exfoliate: okay but seriously, exfoliating is a roadmap to having and maintaining a healthy skin. Exfoliation helps to rid of dead skin layers, open the pores on the skin to allow an even pathway of air and basic nutrients to the skin and let’s not forget that it helps to maintain the moisture content of both the dry and oily skin.

2. Hygiene is important: we’re pretty sure that by now you’re well aware of the fact that having separate towels for the basic parts of your body is considered most ethical for proper skin hygiene. A healthy routine for your skin includes bath, oil /skin care products regime and exfoliating.

3. Health and diet matters too: A number of food, fruits and herbs can help maintain a healthy PH balance of the skin and ensure its radiance. It’s safe to say that a number of supplements have evolved that has been designed to nourish the skin from within

4. Skincare products should be selected with care: Again, emphasis is laid on skincare products! Using the wrong products can do way more harm than good. Amongst these harm includes changing your skin tone, messing up your PH balance and even exposing you to UV rays.

Until next time dear reader         

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