What topics pageant questions cover must be the first question contestants focus on in these days of beauty and brains. We have seen people who were much focused only on their clothes. So when asked the first most basic question, they are lost.

Secondly, you have to keep an open mind for the topics expected. Do you know that they can be personal? Like tell us about your family. Or very impersonal like, what do you think of life in the North Pole?! They are elimination questions.

More often these days, representatives at pageants are either degree holders, experienced professionals or experts at one occupation or the other. Leading to more intense questions and responses. Unforgettable responses.

Furthermore, the questions seek to not only test the queen but to educate the audience. Therefore, the endless topics of this world are explored. The way English language exams can throw up essays on the environment, climate change or administering first aid.

Finally and truthfully, pageant interview questions have no limits. You have to be up to date with current affairs. Take note of everything happening in your family and in the international space. “Who was the first female African president?” Or “what are the benefits of pageants?” Or as simple as, “what is your country’s national anthem?”

Can you ask probable questions in the comments section below? Thank you.

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