Comparing the pageants of over twenty years ago to current ones, the contestants have more individualistic struts on pageant stage. What is our point?

The contestants at various pageants these days do not just walk in straight lines. They combine their struts with waist and arm movements. And on six inches high shoes.

Again, the ladies in recent pageants are given shorter time length to walk across the stage. This stage maybe at least 10m*10m size. In that space of time, they are expected to display outstanding thrills and twirls for winning marks. These amazons have pulled it off successfully.

Also, the Miss World competitors in 1966, took their sweet time walking in the swimsuit category. Their delibrate steps as they walked from one end of the stage to another, looked like a long slow motion show.

Furthermore, we applaud the contestants in recent pageants who have slipped while walking the stage. Now the slip is not only in footsteps, it is also in wardrobe malfunctions.

In the 90s a contestant accidentally loosened her bikini when loosening the scarf on her waist. She ran off the stage in embarrassment.

Meanwhile her contemporaries on 2017 and 2023 respectively picked themselves up, and completed their slot. The show must go on, is their mantra. One other contender even made it seem like a dance.

We applaud these ladies. They do not entertain excuses.

(we have no rights to these social media images copied)

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