The Boxell twins, Kiera and Makayla are PHS seniors running a nonprofit organization (Shades of knowledge), which donates books. Kiera is the Chief Operating Officer of the organization.

The twins are working with Jully Myrthil of Providence, to reach black communities all over the world with literature books that reflect them. Books with stories that they can identify with.

In a world where young people are more into frivolities, the Boxell twins stand out. They were actually the team champions of the ACCSS Battle of Books in Carolina in 2016 when they were only nine years old. They agreed that they won with the support of their parents, between softball practice, gymnastics and school work.

Interestingly, a leadership journey to South Africa by the Jully and the twins of PHS, birthed the Shades of Knowledge drive. They found out that the libraries of the primary schools they visited in S.A. were lacking. So when the trio returned to Portsmouth, they sent hundreds of books to communities in South Africa, Guatemala and British Virgin Islands.

Finally, the Boxell twins have decided to go global. Their focus is to add literature books for students up to senior high, twelfth grade for what they call undeserved communities.

These are welcome bold steps for this generation. Thus challenging and inspiring others who would otherwise be hesitant. We are proud of them.

Please drop a thumbs up in the comments section below for these ladies.

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