Maintaining your braids.

103528, WESTWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Wednesday August 28, 2013. Keri Hilson at the Los Angeles premiere of 'Riddick' held at the Regency Village Theatre in Westwood, Los Angeles. Photograph: © Thomas Janssen, **FEE MUST BE AGREED PRIOR TO USAGE** **E-TABLET/IPAD & MOBILE PHONE APP PUBLISHING REQUIRES ADDITIONAL FEES** UK OFFICE:+44 131 557 7760/7761 US OFFICE:1 310 261 9676

                              Keri Hilson

If going for a pageant, I would not recommend you go with braids. However for your day to day activities as royalty, braids are easy to maintain and fabulous.To maintain keep your braids covered when you go to bed, preferably with silk lined hair bonnets for short braids and silk like scarves for long braids. This will help keep the braids from rubbing on harsh fabrics and then frizzing up.

Try to clean your scalp, there is really nothing worse than having a foul smelling hair, it’s very offensive to others. Try washing your scalp, not scrubbing it as this could pull your braids out, but rubbing gently enough to get sweat and scalp flakes off. Rinse and dry properly, water trapped in hair could contribute to an offensive odor.

Apply natural oils to your scalp to keep it from getting dry and some braid oil to the braids to help it shine.

Get edge control to tame the edge and to keep it tidy.

Get creative with your hair, so it constantly looks different, try rolling it up in a bun now and then, letting it fall back or to the sides.

Finally do not have your braids on for too long, as this could lead to the damage of your hair, especially those at the edges. Plus its just not ladylike, sending the wrong message to those who look up to you and those you meet.

Simple yet exquisite

Simple yet exquisite

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