5 Top Performing Countries in International Pageants

So many beauty pageants in Africa and the Islands, claim to take winners out of the country to compete in International pageants, and we scarcely hear about the results afterwards. As it turns out the crowns seem to go to a handful of countries more than the remaining 195 countries, and we wander why. Here are some of the 5 top performing countries in International pageants that have somehow made it their thing to win these crowns. Most of the contestants from these countries get financial and other supports from their Government.

Top on the list is Venezuela with as much as 21 crowns to the country.  There is a wide agreement that Venezuela is the QUEEN when it comes to performing in the four biggest beauty pageants in the world. The country is way ahead of most others, with 21 titles registered to its name. In fact it is the only country to have won all four big titles at least twice.

Next on the list is the United States of America, the USA stands in at second in terms of the number of titles won, but it stands first in terms of the number of runner-ups, which adds up to 55. The USA also holds the first spot for producing the most number of Miss Universe winners, which adds up to 8.

Then we have the Philippines, who happen to also be one of the only three countries to have won each of the four biggest titles at least once. Their set was completed when Megan Young was crowned as the nation’s first Miss World in 2013. They have also been known to be a strong competitor in the history of beauty pageants.

At number 4 is Puerto Rico, they have bagged three of the four big titles, leaving out only Miss Earth, Puerto Rico is also among the most successful countries in Miss Universe pageant with 5 crowns. India also ties in with 8 crowns along with the United Kingdom. India has also won three of the four biggest international titles, excluding Miss International.

Country with the least crowns on the list is Australia with 7 titles, having not won a crown for the third decade now, we are sure they are hungry and looking to break even.

  • 5 Top Performing Countries in International Pageants

An obvious question is how there isn’t a single African country in the top 5, could it be because of the existing light skinned preference (AKA racism) in most international competitions?  Or could it just be these few countries have the most beautiful women in the world? Considering the fact that the definition of beauty defers .

Although we would not want to be to fast to conclude, but it is still inexcusably obvious and it makes one wonder, if our chocolate skin and Afro is not good enough for world standard. How come there are no “top pageant” that celebrate the African beauty. A world class pageant that the beautiful African girl can look to and aspire to win, knowing that she would not have to be lighter skinned and her curls would not have to be hidden or straightened.

5 Top Performing Countries in International Pageants

Treasure Mermaid illustrated by @evanwoolery

5 Top Performing Countries in International Pageants

“Jehoel”  illustrated by Gothic Ice cream















I mean pageants like a Miss Africa, Miss Earth ( for our roots), Miss Golden World ( for the Queens with skin like bronze and gold), Miss Eden ( for the first human bones found), Miss Heritage (cultural history that is so rich), Miss Diverse ( a race with the most diverse of shades) , any ideas on pageants ?


5 Top Performing Countries in International Pageants

Kemetic Goddess-Queen Neferneferuaten Nefertiti Art

5 Top Performing Countries in International Pageants

Nubia – The Wonder Woman illustrated by Olivier Coipel














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