Handling shaving bumps

More people than you expect have this embarrassing skin condition, shaving bumps are a result of ingrown hair that coil beneath the skin, or they never make it out of the follicle.

It sometimes irritates the skin and in sever cases is painful,however it is most often painless . It affects people with coarse hair, that are tightly curled or spiral.When hair coils back into the skin, or never makes it out of the follicle the body views this as a foreign body and the fights against it, thus causing inflammation if not treated properly causes scarring.


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Permanent hair removal options are the best guarantee to preventing bumps. You could try, laser hair removals,electrolysis, semi-permanent hair removal like waxing, plucking, and hair removal products that are called depilatories.

Other options are frequently exfoliating the affected area.

Applying creams or ointments that contain salicylic or glycolic acid and lidocaine or bacitracin these helps remove skin surface to help hair break out of the skin surface, and to kill bacteria.

Avoid scratching the area, shaving irritated area, using products that contain alcohol on the affected area, try to shave along grain and avoid tight nylon material for underwear.

You should see positive results over time, best of luck.


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