The world woke up some weeks ago to the news that MGI France 2024/5 is dethroned too. Safietou, MGI France, was unguarded in her responses to fans’ questions on her Instagram handle leading to her expulsion.

Her offenses are listed below.

First, Safietou mentioned the reigning MGI 2024/5 queen disrespected her in the presence of the organizers.Thus implying that the organizers did not defend her or sanction Rachel for her bad behavior. Therefore MGI France 2024/5 is dethroned too.

Not only that, Ms. Kabengele said she did not get along with Queen Rachel Gupta at all. Though she did not list numerous excuses, she implied she was not close to the reigning MGI 2024/5. Safie implied rivalry in the camp and the internet went berserk.

Third, she openly admitted to friendship with disgraced and rejected Miss Grand Myanmar 2024/5. Well, well. If we all remember, Safietou was coaxing MGI Myanmar when she was tearful. So of course, there is bound to be a good relationship between both of them.

Apart from that, Safietou seemed to have a great rapport with all her queen sisters. If you watch the clips of their other events, that fact is evident. Besides, queen sisters keep in touch. The advent of social media has especially made it possible for them to continue to support one another.

Though Safietou rushed to social media to correct the mistake, the damage had been done. She said she is sorry but that is too late. And she is permanently expelled from MGI.

Finally, we sympathize with Queen Safietou Kabengele and wish her the very best in her future endeavors.

What do you think of all of this? Please share in the comments section below.

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