Health and lifestyle.  

Making your mental health a priority. 

Welcome back to today’s edition, we’re so excited to have you with us once more! Today we would be delving into you and your mental health. It is very important to understand that talking about your mental health does not relate to you “loosing it”. With the rising numbers of responsibilities and tasks booming everyday, I can state for a fact that it isn’t easy dealing with it all. 

It is safe to say that mental health talk is now widely accepted and appreciated for everyone. 

Towards better health…

What is mental health?

According to WHO, “Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”

I’ll express this by saying that mental health is simply the way people think, how they feel to particular situations and how they handle them. It can be disheartening to unveil what people bottle up within themselves behind a smile. But I can assure you that you’re most certainly not alone. 

Our mental health plays a huge role in our everyday lives. From personal relationships, friendships and work the list goes on. Note that a sudden withdrawal can spike an immediate response from your inner circle. Communication is definitely one way to answer all questions concerning this. 

What are the signs to look out for?

I’ll like you to imagine a very cheerful and active toddler who suddenly withdraws and becomes more irritable or quiet. Your instincts will certainly kick in as to what is wrong with the child. Thereon, you can deduce if the child needs medical attention. 

This same way is how your closest counterparts perceive a change in you. 

Some signs include 

Withdrawal: The immense feeling to cower from everyone and everything seems to engulf your personal space. It makes it look like withdrawing is the only safe option for you to relax. Keep in mind that while retreating into your space to rejuvenate is fine, a sudden unexplained withdrawal is something worth keeping tabs on. 

Low to no energy at all: The urge to just stay in a confined space while doing nothing suddenly feels like paradise to you. Even things as basic as cleaning yourself and your environment seems like a chore. Even reaching out to people or reporting to work seems to irk you. Then it’s safe to say that something seems to be eating you out. 

No socializing: Another sign is turning down your circle of friends over sleep. I’ll like you to picture someone who’s outgoing and agile but all of a sudden turns down not 2 but multiple hang outs with friends. When these cancellations come with intangible excuses, it’s time to closely look into that situation. 

•Stress: On an average, most people are actually under stress. But the minute stress leads to insomnia, muscle aches and chest pain. Other signs include uncontrollable anger, unexplained irritation and lack of appetite then it’s definitely time to seek help. When these signs are present and not tackled, it can somewhat lead to depression. 

Types of mental disorders 

•Anxiety disorder

•Mood disorder 

•Schizophrenia disorder. 

While a number of other factors including pain and grief can disturb your mental health, the best thing to do is communicate. It is better and less overwhelming when you share your fears, pains and doubts with trusted parties. 

The bottom line…

Your mental health remains the most important aspect of how you function as a person. Guarding it with your all is surely a reward to living an healthier and comfortable life. 

It is okay to admit your emotional and cognitive imbalance to trusted parties. This way it is assured that you’re going to get all the help you need. There a ton of ways to beat stress and depression which in turn rewards you with an utter satisfaction within your self and your environment. 

Remember, suicide is never an option and you’re most definitely not alone. 

Until next time dear reader…

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