Cat walk strides or cat-walking if you like is the expected gait of models and pageant contestants. We want to believe everyone knows why it is the most desirable gait. But let us explain that it is graceful, attractive, elegant, careful and deliberate.

Looking up walking techniques on the internet, there were these five point guide on walking right. Check it out:- Swing your arms, keep your head up, keep your back straight and abdomen flat, point your toes straight ahead and take long strides without straining yourself. Fine but that is not enough.

Points are awarded, yes contestants are scored on their gaits. Some are so used to cat-walking that it becomes second nature and they score high. But some wear the gait for the contest only. After a few weeks, they are back to their ordinary strides. That is what the judges look out for. The natural Catwalking strides and the borrowed one.

What exactly is our point? Make cat-walking your forever stride. Turn heads even when you have a tray of bread balanced on your head like Jumoke Orishaguna. Her elegance caught the eye of the photographer who had no business with her. A glimpse of her in the background was enough.

Again, let’s not mention models like Naomi Campbell and others who caught the eyes of scouts at a glimpse. ‘Wearing’ catwalking strides is a necessity. You stand out with your elegant strides.

Again, check out Naomi Campbell. She is over fifty and still as straight as a ruler. What of Agbani Darego? The first black Miss World from the African continent. , Viola Davis, to mention a few. Those women glide.

Check out these videos of a walking cat and a model in training. Drop a thumbs up.

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