Ijebu’s Princess Adesile Ajigboteso is the brilliant descendant of the royal lineage of Oba Ademuyewo Afidipotemole of Ijebu. The princess is also the first female horse rider in the land of Ijebu, West Africa. She attended the recently concluded Ojude-Oba festival which is an annual celebration of Ijebu descendants.

Ojude-Oba festival is an annual celebration of Ijebu people. Children of the land come in from every part of the world where they live, to attend the week long festival. The ” festival. Precisely the day after the Eid 0Mubarak celebrations.

Ojude-Oba festival came to being during the late nineteenth century, when the few early Muslim converts in the land thanked the Awujale of Ijebu for letting them enjoy their religion in peace.

However, it has morphed into something much bigger and better than the initial converts ever imagined. It has not stopped being a festival of Muslim gratitude. It has grown into the gratitude of the people and the guests who attend the occasion.

Therefore, Ijebu’s Princess Adesile Ajigboteso is a true symbol of this occasion being an excellent graduate of the prestigious Muslim Crescent University. Being a good Muslim herself, the beautiful princess ensured she was present to salute the Awujale by riding a horse at the occasion.

In addition, beautiful Ijebu’s Princess Adesile Ajigboteso takes the trouble from her busy schedule to meet with and encourage young women in her community to be the best of themselves.

In closing , our beautiful princess runs several successful businesses. Making elegant outfits for all sexes, running an African food outlet in Mexico, estate management, to mention a few.

Please drop a heart in the comments section for this regal beauty.

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