Beauty and skincare.

Healthy benefits of using turmeric on the skin. 

Mother- nature really needs to pay attention to some reactions we spot on our skin due to harsh weather conditions, diet or lifestyle changes. Nonetheless, we still have to appreciate nature’s efforts in giving us some herbs and spices that alleviates and soothes these unfavorable reactions and one of this is turmeric. 

What are the benefits of turmeric on the skin?

Let’s not forget that this particular spice is characterized by its quite noticeable yellow color and root-like appearance. Turmeric can act as a healing agent as it contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidants properties. Amongst many things, turmeric can be used for a wide range of skincare including:

1. Treatment of scarring on the face due to acne. 

2. Control and healing of acne. 

3. Getting rid of eczema and rash. 

4. Exfoliating your skin. 

5. Getting an even tone and glow for your skin. 

6. Healing some wounds on the skin. 

How to use Turmeric. 

1. Mix a table spoon of turmeric with coconut milk and/or water and apply on the wound on your skin, leave to dry and wash off with warm water. Pat dry with a towel and watch the soothing magic!

2. Mix a table spoon of turmeric with honey and lemon juice, apply evenly on the skin (avoid contact with eyes!). Leave it as a mask to dry and wash off with warm water. Do this to rejuvenate your skin and get that even glow!

Here’s what to expect!

Turmeric will most certainly leave a yellow residue on your skin after use, you can clean this off with vinegar or witch hazel if it seems to be consistent. You might also get a tingling or slightly burning sensation on the skin when applying turmeric, be rest assured, it is nothing of worry!

However, I’ll strongly recommend you are keen to test that your body isn’t allergic to turmeric. You can do this by trying it out with a paste on your forearm for 5-10 minutes and washing off. If no allergy reaction is observed then you might carry on. However if after use and you observe any harsh discomfort or discoloration, please disregard it immediately and consult a dermatologist if it seems to be offensive for you. Everyone most definitely have different skin types!

Until next time dear reader…

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