Allyson Felix has won eleven Olympic medals as a track champion. She has won the most gold by any athlete in the history of World Athletics championship Thus breaking the record of Usain Bolt of Jamaica.

5K MpAllyson has won 100m, 200m and 400m races respectively. From 2001 to 2022 when she retired; covering a period of twenty-one years. Within this space of time, she was on the Olympics track from 2005 to 2020. And she won all the medals at different races.

During Allyson’s career as a sports champion, she became pregnant and her sports partner Nike had a fall out with her. Their relationship was ruined for good. She went on to have her baby in 2019.

After her daughter was born, Allyson made an unforgettable comeback. She hit the tracks again and won a medal. Time magazine listed her amongst the most influential women in the world.

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